
When engaging students with your organization, it is crucial to have a well-defined opportunity for them to participate in. Below are guidelines for creating an experiential learning opportunity at your organization: 

  • Determine your organizational needs, and how students can best support your goals.
  • Consider the role a student would play in your organization, what knowledge, skills and abilities they would need to have to effectively perform the role, and the amount of time they would need to fulfill the requirements of their role.
    • For example: Do you need students to step in to a pre-existing role in your organization for a short period of time? Do you need students to take on a project your organization does not have capacity for? These are important things to consider when creating an opportunity.
  • Evaluate the nature of the experiential learning opportunity you can provide: can you hire a student, do you need volunteers, or are you looking to collaborate with a course instructed by a faculty member at the University? 
  • Create a description of the role a student would occupy at your organization, clearly outlining the tasks, expectations and commitment required for the position. Read our tips for writing a better experience description
  • To ensure inclusivity, the description should distinguish between primary and secondary tasks, and include any interpersonal or emotional competencies required for the role so that students are informed when applying.
  • Refer to the the Ontario Human Rights Commission to ensure the role is in compliance with relevant policies and guidelines.
  • Ensure the role is in compliance with your organization's Human Resource policies.
  • Begin your recruitment process and find students who are the right fit for your opportunity.

Experience Profiles